5 Easy Keys to Discovering Your Why
“It is never too late to be who you might have been.” – George Eliot
God created everything and everyone with purpose. Everything on earth has a purpose. You have a purpose. In this lesson I want to help you discover your WHY – your purpose.
You were created with an intended purpose and when you move forward into understanding that purpose, or “knowing your WHY”, you will be fulfilled, happy, satisfied and content.
“For everything, absolutely everything, above and below, visible and invisible…everything got started in Him and finds its purpose in Him.”Colossians 1:16 MSG
If you want to know WHY you were created, you must begin with God for you were created by His purpose and for His purpose.He uniquely and gloriously designed you with special abilities, gifts, and motivations that work together to express your God-given purpose.
Many will ask, “How will I know if I am fulfilling my purpose or not?” Well here is a simple test:
If you are not living each day with satisfaction,
excitement, energy, and passion,
then you are possibly not living true to your life purpose.
God created you, as His dear child, to be blessed, fulfilled, and fruitful in Him when you express your God-given purpose.
- Understanding your WHY, your God-given purpose is a starting point to fulfilling it.
If an individual just lets their wheels spin and hope they ultimately will fulfill their destined purpose, they will probably miss it and their life will seem fragmented.If you know your God-given purpose you can begin to move towards it.
- Implement investment into your life.
When you know your WHY, you can direct the investments you desire to make in your life in areas of education, meaningful relationships, finances, time, etc.You will be able to discern easier what is important and what is not important in your activities, schedule, associations, etc.Knowing your God-given purpose will help you prioritize.
- Live a more focused life.
What you focus on, you empower.When you understand your God-given purpose, no longer will meaningless activities and schedules rule you – you will be directed by your purpose.You will be able to successfully make efficient goals because you will know what your end-desire is.You will no longer be beating the air and giving yourself to possibly good but meaningless activities.Good is often the enemy of “best”.
- Be filled with powerful passion and energy.
When you are outside of your purpose, your energy will be drained, but when you are fulfilling your purpose you are fuelled with powerful passion and energy.You will be constantly motivated.
- Achieve success.
When you know your God-given purpose, success takes on a new definition.No longer will you compare yourself to the accomplishments or standards of others.When you are in your purpose, the force of God’s amazing grace (His divine influence upon your heart) empowers you for success – you take off!
“It is never too late to be who you might have been.” – George Eliot
Your Instructor
Patricia King, CEO of Patricia King enterprises, is a respected apostolic minister of the gospel, successful business owner, and an inventive entrepreneur. She is an accomplished itinerant speaker, author, television host, media producer, and ministry network overseer who has given her life fully to Jesus Christ and to His Kingdom's advancement in the earth. She is the founder of Patricia King Ministries and co-founder of XPmedia.com.