The Seer & the Supernatural
Deep insights into the seer realm of the spirit shared by Patricia King, James Maloney, Jonathan Welton, Tony Kemp, Kevin Basconi and Mahesh Chavda
Patricia King, Jonathan Welton, Tony Kemp, Kevin Basconi and James Maloney – Mahesh Chavda via Skype
Don’t miss this amazing opportunity to be mentored in the seer anointing and the supernatural aspects of the Kingdom of God! For three days these seasoned seers and prophets – all of whom operate in the realm of miracles, visions, and the supernatural – will guide and lead you, session after session, in saturated levels of activation. If you are hungry to go deeper and desperate for “more!” you will want to be a part of this school.
Lesson 1: Through The Veil w/Jonathan Welton
Subject: Jonathan Welton is a seasoned seer with valuable insight to share with us regarding our accessing of Heaven through the imagination.
Description Paragraph: How to use a sanctified imagination to “see” what God is wants to reveal to them. How to encounter and be led by the Holy Spirit. Testimonies that inspire and motivate.
Speaker Name: Jonathan Welton, concluded by Patricia King and Tony Kemp
Lesson 2: Seeing and Discerning w/Jonathan Welton
Subject: Jonathan Welton shares on the season of the seer we are currently experiencing.
Description Paragraph: Jonathan Welton shares revelation on the gifts of the spirit throughout the last century, and how Discerning of Spirits is our current focus as a Body. Seeing and discerning are important today, but they are unto an encounter of Love and Identity that the God wants released in this season.
Speaker Name: Jonathan Welton, Jeff Jansen, Tony Kemp, Patricia King
Lesson 3: Mysteries of the Seer Anointing w/ Kevin Basconi
Subject: Kevin Basconi teaches on the seer dimension, our posture in seeing, and the key to seeing the heart of God.
Description Paragraph: Kevin Basconi teaches on the seer dimension, our posture in seeing, and the critical keys to seeing the heart of God.
Speaker Name: Kevin Basconi
Lesson 4: Assistance in the Seer Dimension w/ Kevin Basconi
Subject: Learn how to open and properly use your seer gifting.
Description Paragraph: Kevin Basconi shares shares on the importance of counsel. Not only should we accept help from trusted believers, but also expect angelic assistance from the Lord. Kevin shares a powerpoint presentation with descriptions of angelic and glory encounters available to believers.
Speaker Name: Kevin Basconi
Lesson 5: Remaining in the Glory - Mahesh Chavda
Subject: Seasoned leader Mahesh Chavda shares valuable insights for healing through the glorious presence of God, and urges us to remain in that glory at all times.
Description Paragraph: Mahesh Chavda is well acquainted with the Gory of God, and seasoned in the operation of it’s power. He shares many incredible testimonies of healing, emphasizing the need to remain aware of the sights and sounds and vibrations of the glory.
Speaker Name: Mahesh Chavda
Lesson 6: The Heart of a Gate Keeper - James Maloney
Subject: James Maloney shares about the “porters” with keys to open Heaven’s treasury rooms - those who see into the supernatural realm.
Description Paragraph: James Maloney shares the traits that are required for the heart of a gatekeeper. James explains the unction of “spiritual seer porters”.
Speaker Name: James Maloney
Lesson 7: Expressions of Healing - James Maloney
Subject: Dr. James Maloney breaks down the categories of healing into their most common expressions.
Description Paragraph: The seer realm is a key to release healing and miracles.
Speaker Name: James Maloney
Lesson 8: As Your Soul Prospers - w/Patricia King
Subject: Patricia King shares on the influence of the soul on your reality and how to bring your reality into alignment with the Truth.
Description Paragraph: Patricia teaches of John 3 of the importance of your soul prospering and being in good health. Our thoughts and feelings affect our reality, and the best outcome is triggered when our souls are rooted in the truth of God’s Word.
Speaker Name: Patricia King
Lesson 9 - Prophetic Words and Ministry - w/Tony Kemp
Subject: Tony Kemp delivers numerous powerful prophetic words of knowledge for attendees, releasing healing, identity, and destiny.
Lesson 10 - Panel Q&A
Subject: Listen to valuable answers to questions spanning subjects on vision, revelation and interpretation, discernment, leadership, and unity.
Description Paragraph: Leaders Tony Kemp, Jonathan Welton, Kevin Basconi, and Patricia King join together to answer some common questions on the seer realm. This session is full of valuable treasures of insight picked up through years of experience, gathered by these generals in the faith.
Speaker Name: Jonathan Welton, Kevin Basconi, Tony Kemp, Patricia King