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Powerful Prophetic Intercession
Powerful Prophetic Intercession by James Goll
Powerful Prophetic Intercession STUDY GUIDE - PDF
Lesson 1 - Entering the Life of Intercession - VIDEO MP4 (47:55)
Lesson 2 - Prayer Passion: Where Compassion and Passion Unite - VIDEO MP4 (50:52)
Lesson 3 - Travail: The Prayer that Brings Birth - VIDEO MP4 (58:30)
Lesson 4 - Praying Down Supernatural Encounters - VIDEO MP4 (47:24)
Lesson 5 - God's Heart: A Prophetic Generation - VIDEO MP4 (50:26)
Lesson 6 - Accessing God's Revelatory Ways - VIDEO MP4 (56:00)
Lesson 7 - Divine Insight by Praying in the Spirit - VIDEO MP4 (55:57)
Lesson 8 - Israel: God's Prophetic Calendar - VIDEO MP4 (54:09)
Lesson 9 - The Power of Prophetic Intercession - VIDEO MP4 (50:06)
Lesson 10 - Proclamation: Decreeing a Thing - VIDEO MP4 (43:41)
Lesson 11 - Wisdom Issues for Intercessors - VIDEO MP4 (56:36)
Lesson 12 - A Heart for His Presence - VIDEO MP4 (50:24)
Additional Suggested Material
XPmedia Academy Satisfaction Survey (Optional)
Lesson 11 - Wisdom Issues for Intercessors - VIDEO MP4
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